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Lo sfruttamento ottimale del testo è subordinato al possesso di una conoscenza generale delle strutture grammaticali principali della lingua inglese. Per favorire il superamento delle difficoltà tipiche di ogni linguaggio tecnico, il testo è accompagnato da un HELP-BOOK, un opuscolo-guida a parte, contenente le traduzioni del materiale proposto e la soluzione degli esercizi.
Il testo è composto di dieci Sets. Ogni Set è costituito da quattro Sections, in ciascuna delle quali vengono affrontati i vari aspetti della lingua tecnica del settore odontoiatrico: 1) Section 1: inglese scritto graduale; 2) Section 2: brani originali di letteratura inglese odontoiatrica; 3) Section 3: inglese parlato (rapporti interpersonali fra dentisti, personale ausiliario e pazienti); 4) Section 4: particolari termini odontoiatrici e strutture grammaticali. Le prime tre Sections sono corredate di numerosi esercizi finalizzati a favorire l'apprendimento e il consolidamento delle conoscenze presentate. Il testo si conclude con: 1) Una Appendix A: dedicata alle lettere commerciali (richieste di informazioni, di materiali, comunicazioni dentista-paziente ecc.) 2) Una Appendix B: esempi di traduzione con testo originale a fronte. 3) Un piccolo Vocabolario (inglese-italiano-inglese) dei termini dentaliLegenda: a) = Gradual Material b) = Authentic Material c) = Dialogue d) = Special things to remember
Set One
a) Dentistry: disciplines and people concerned
(general information, dental disciplines, auxiliary personnel)
b) Preventive dentistry and periodontics: the role of the dental hygienist
c) Dental education
d) Terminology
Revision of tenses
Set Two
a) The dental office
b) Establishing a successful practice
c) Staff meeting and decision-making
d) Terminology
Revision of comparatives and superlatives
Set Three
a) Treatment room and associated equipment
b) Effective selection of personnel
c) At the Dental Supply Company
d) Terminology
Active voice, passive voice
Set Four
a) The dental lab and associated equipment
b) Principles of surveying
c) What a good boy!
d) Terminology
Set Five
a) The human tooth (general information, structural elements, dentition)
b) Permanent dentition
c) At the dentist's
d) Terminology
Future actions
Set Six
a) Dental prostheses and orthodontic appliances (artificial crowns and inlays, dentures
complete dentures, partial dentures, fixed bridges, removable partial dentures,
orthodontic appliances)
b) Maintaining space
c) Quality first of all
d) Terminology
How to translate "dovere" into English
Set Seven
a) An example of the casting technique
b) Investing the sprued pattern
c) Delicate work by blowpipe
d) Terminology
How to translate "potere" into English
Set Eight
a) Common oral diseases (malocclusion, tooth decay, periodontal disease)
b) Introduction to the problem of reduction of residual ridges
c) First approach
d) Terminology
How to translate "volere" into English
Set Nine
a) Impression materials (general information on impression materials, impression trays, impressions, and models:
elastic impression materials
hydrocolloids, elastomers -; non-elastic impression materials
dental compounds, plaster of Paris, ZOE pastes, impression waxes)
b) Making the impression (for remote overdentures)
c) Talking about impression materials
d) Terminology
Conditional sentences
Set Ten
a) Materials used in the fabrication of dentures and dental restorations (alloys, resins, ceramics, model constructing materials, dental waxes, and investment materials)
b) Sealers
c) Unlucky congress
d) Terminology
Adverbs of manner; use of "oneself"; use of "one's"
Appendix A
Business correspondence and office forms (enquiry, cover letter, questionnaire)
Appendix B
Translation samples
Dictionary of basic dental terms: English-Italian
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